Chinese scientists use gene-editing techniques in humans for first time
Chinese scientists have become the first in the world to use the revolutionary CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technique in humans. On October...

The 6 most scientifically proven methods to help you quit smoking
For more than 50 years we've known that smoking can kill you. It is still the leading cause of preventable death in the United States and...

Mouse eggs made from skin cells in a dish
Image 1: These eleven-month-old mice were born from eggs made entirely in a dish. Breakthrough raises call for debate over prospect of...

Your smartphone may be hurting your sleep
You love your smartphone, but it may be ruining your ZZZ's. Use of these devices, especially near bedtime, is associated with worse...

Ovarian transplantation might be possible in future
Approximately 11% of women worldwide suffer from premature ovarian failure. This can have many different causes: chemotherapy...