Prospect of Synthetic Embryos Sparks New Bioethics Debate
An “embryoid” created from stem cells shares key features with a real human embryo, like an amniotic sac, but lacks other elements. Yue...

Single Chinese women want to freeze their eggs and enjoy life
The rise of "singledom" is a worldwide trend and China is no exception. China replaced its one-child policy with a universal two-child...

First Human Embryos Successfully Edited in the US
The first known attempt at creating genetically modified human embryos in the United States has been carried out by a team of researchers...

Sperm counts of Western men plummeting, study finds
Sperm counts of men in North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand are plunging, according to a new analysis published recently....

Freezing Ovarian Tissue May Be a Promising Fertility Treatment
By 2018, some 76,000 women in the U.S. will freeze their eggs every year to preserve their fertility and increase their odds of getting...

Could we one day make babies from only skin cells?
In the not-so-distant future, research suggests, eggs and sperm may no longer be needed to make a baby -- at least not in the traditional...

Woman is first to have baby with ovaries frozen in childhood
A 24-year-old Dubai native has become the first woman to give birth after having her fertility restored from ovarian tissue frozen during...

Mouse eggs made from skin cells in a dish
Image 1: These eleven-month-old mice were born from eggs made entirely in a dish. Breakthrough raises call for debate over prospect of...