Your parents hold clues to your life expectancy, heart health
Your parents may have a significant influence on how likely you are to stay healthy later in life. Scientists have long suspected that...

Study: Men’s Overall Health Is Related to IVF Success
In the first report exploring links between men’s somatic health and assisted reproductive technology (ART) outcomes, researchers...

IVF does not increase risk of breast cancer, study finds
A new study suggests that women undergoing fertility treatment are not at an increased risk of developing breast cancer. The study,...

Who's Most Likely to Seek Infertility Help
Nearly half of people with infertility problems don’t seek treatment, according to a recent British study. “One of the important and...

Yoga Boosts Brain Function
Research has revealed that just one 20 minute session of Hatha yoga considerably improved speed and accuracy on tests of inhibitory...
New tool allows researchers to reproduce conditions of embryonic development in lab
An interdisciplinary team of developmental biologists and engineers at the Francis Crick Institute and the University of Maine have...
Study: For Obese Women Trying to Conceive, Infertility Treatment Is Best - Weight loss failed to hel
A lifestyle intervention for obese women struggling with infertility did not improve their chances of getting pregnant compared with a...
Many Fertility Apps & Websites Get It Wrong -- Study finds only 4 of 53 online calculators accur
Websites and apps that promise to calculate a woman's most fertile days may often be off base, a new study suggests. When doctors put 53...