Congress allows IVF coverage for wounded vets, with limits
Wounded veterans hoping to start families appeared to win a significant victory Thursday with a new law allowing coverage of fertility...

The End of China’s One-Child Policy Has Put Huge Pressure on the Nation’s Sperm Banks
China is looking for quality sperm. Ever since the nation loosened its one-child family-planning policy earlier this year, its sperm...

Study: Men’s Overall Health Is Related to IVF Success
In the first report exploring links between men’s somatic health and assisted reproductive technology (ART) outcomes, researchers...

IVF does not increase risk of breast cancer, study finds
A new study suggests that women undergoing fertility treatment are not at an increased risk of developing breast cancer. The study,...

6.5 Million IVF Babies Born Worldwide Since Louise Brown
ESHRE’s European IVF Monitoring (EIM) Consortium presented its preliminary data review of ART activity in 2013, with analysis of more...

How IVF works
Infertility affects 1 in 8 couples worldwide. But in the last 40 years, more than 5 million babies have been born using in vitro...
From frozen ovaries to lab-grown babies: the future of childbirth
It is almost 40 years since the first IVF baby, Louise Brown, was born. While this amazing breakthrough was highly controversial at the...
Vets Groups Rally Behind Bill to Let VA Provide In Vitro Fertilization
A dozen veterans groups and support organizations are rallying behind legislation that would enable the Veterans Affairs Department to...