Secondhand smoke causing thousands of still births in developing countries
Exposure to secondhand smoke during pregnancy increases the risk of stillbirth, congenital malformations, low birth-weight and...

Paternal smoking linked to miscarriage risk
Would-be fathers may increase their partner’s risk of miscarriage by smoking during the pregnancy, or even during the time leading up to...

More evidence of NSAID risk in early pregnancy
Using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) around the time of conception significantly increases the risk of miscarriage in the...

Drug combination offers more effective care for patients suffering miscarriage
A combination of the drugs mifepristone and misoprostol can help bring closure to some women and their families suffering from...

For women with history of pregnancy loss, walking may aid chance of becoming pregnant
Results of a recent study to better understand modifiable factors such as physical activity that may affect a woman's ability to conceive...

Breathing Dirty Air May Raise Miscarriage Risk
Smog might raise a woman's risk of miscarriage early in her pregnancy, a new study suggests. Chronic exposure seemed to increase that...

Waiting to conceive after miscarriage may not be needed
One miscarriage doesn’t necessarily increase the risk of another, and counseling women to delay conception after a pregnancy loss may not...

Pesticides in produce linked to infertility
New US study suggests women are less likely to get pregnant with IVF if they eat more fruit and vegetables high in residues. Women who...