US fertility rate hits a record low
The US fertility rate has dropped to the lowest number reported since fertility records started being kept more than a century ago. There...

CDC: Overall Fertility Rate Down 10% Among U.S. Women
Overall fertility rates and reproductive rates have fallen among U.S. women from 1990 to 2014, despite a 10-year spike from the mid-1990s...

Mean Age of Mothers is on the Rise: United States, 2000–2014
Key findings - Data from the National Vital Statistics System The mean age of mothers has increased from 2000 to 2014 for all birth...

US fertility rate falls to lowest on record
Figure: Birth rates, by selected ages of the mother, United States, 1990-2015 The US fertility rate fell to the lowest point since record...

America's decreasing fertility rate could spell economic trouble
Decreasing fertility rates in developed countries could cause future economic struggles if policies don't change. In the late 1950s,...