Scientists Just Cloned Monkeys. Humans Could Be Next.
Since the birth of Dolly the sheep in 1996, scientists across the globe have used the same technique to clone nearly two dozen other...

From Birth On, One Sex Is Hardier
Women are known to outlive men. And that advantage may start early, according to researchers who've found baby girls more likely to...

Frozen Embryos Aren’t Always Necessary for IVF, New Studies Show
Women have more options than previously thought for how to undergo in-vitro fertilization, according to two new studies published in the...

Ibuprofen linked to male infertility, study says
Ibuprofen has a negative impact on the testicles of young men, a study published Monday in the journal Proceedings of the National...

Air pollution around conception tied to birth defects
Women who breathe polluted air during the month right before or after they get pregnant may be more likely to have babies with birth...

Pregnant women who take folic acid and multivitamins have babies with lower autism risk
If you're pregnant, a new study released today may give you one more reason to listen to your doctor if he or she prescribes a folic acid...

Breathing Dirty Air May Raise Miscarriage Risk
Smog might raise a woman's risk of miscarriage early in her pregnancy, a new study suggests. Chronic exposure seemed to increase that...

Obesity Rising: Can We Do Anything to Reverse This Deadly Trend?
Obesity is rising in many countries, but so far none have been able to stop or reverse this trend. The United States still retains the...