DHA in Pregnancy Had No Impact on Child IQ - study
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) supplements during pregnancy had no significant impact on either IQ or cognition scores of children compared...

Nearly 25 Million Women in US Don’t Have Nearby Access to Infertility Services
While a woman can get basic infertility exams and ovulation-induction treatments from her regular gynecologist, she typically needs to...

Artificial embryo created for the first time in historic break-thru
Image: An artificially created three-dimensional model of a mouse embryo at 96 hours, left, and then an embryo cultured in a test tube...

CDC: Overall Fertility Rate Down 10% Among U.S. Women
Overall fertility rates and reproductive rates have fallen among U.S. women from 1990 to 2014, despite a 10-year spike from the mid-1990s...

Obese Couples Take Longer to Conceive, Study Finds
Couples who are both obese may have a harder time conceiving a child than couples who are both at a healthy weight, researchers reported...

When it comes to school, harsh parenting can backfire
Most of us modern parents worry at some point (maybe daily!) whether we are parenting our kids the right way. At a time when we see...

Could we one day make babies from only skin cells?
In the not-so-distant future, research suggests, eggs and sperm may no longer be needed to make a baby -- at least not in the traditional...

Children born via ART develop normally as those born naturally, new study
Children born through assisted reproductive technologies have similar cognitive, motor and language development at age two as those born...